The Rowing Club of Strasbourg hosts adolescents and young adults in the context of physical education courses and school sports programmes, specific sessions organised by the sports associations of the different establishments as well as special events (for example an indoor rowing challenge organised with rowing machines in the gymnasium).
Contact us to define and realise your projects.

The Rowing Club of Strasbourg welcomes students from different Grandes Ecoles in specific learn to row and perfectionment programmes. Students can also benefit from the various facilities at the club and travel to discover other places through organised rowing tours or inter-school exchanges.

Are you a student at the University of Strasbourg?
Come and give rowing a try. Special sessions for initiation and training are held Thursday afternoons as part of the SIUAPS.

Weight training has been included in the sports programmes of Lycées with the goal to
In an ongoing relationship, now functioning successfully for several years, the Rowing Club of Strasbourg hosts students from the sport section (option rowing) of lycée Couffignal.
Help your students discover what rowing has to offer as part of your physical education programme or in specific discovery events.
Contact us for additional information.

The Rowing Club of Strasbourg is engaged in partnerships with different collèges to allow students to participate in rowing activity in the context of the National Union of Scholastic Sport < l’Union Nationale du Sport Scolaire (UNSS)> or classes with a rowing option.
Help your students discover what rowing has to offer as part of your physical education programme or in specific discovery events.
In the context of the programme
Contact us for additional information.